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Jammin’ in Vegas – Tao of the Road Warrior
It never ceases to amaze me how ripe the opportunities are to learn about life and self during stressful and embarrassing experiences. ...
Oklahoma City Memorial – Tao of the Road Warrior
During a week in June 2002, after making a personal and public commitment to be mindful and to “smell the roses,” my travels took me...
Nature’s Symphony – Tao of the Road Warrior
It is May 14, 2004 and my most recent travels have brought me to an extraordinary retreat center near Asheville, North Carolina. It is...
One Moment At A Time
She looked to be only three or four and her disheveled ‘I’ve-been-traveling-all-day hair’ was held by a pink ribbon. A fuzzy jacket and...
Tao of the Road Warrior: Dancing With the Sea
During a transitional day between teaching tours, I found a nearby beach with hopes for physical and emotional renewal. I find nothing...
The Great Ride: The Heroic Journey
This photograph an obvious product of photo shop, symbolizes most of the process of THE INITIATION in the heroic journey. The idea about...
Following Your Own Path
Sometimes the world has great opinions on how we should walk our paths, often for good reason. I recently was having a conversation with...
Tao of the Road Warrior – The Lesson of Fear
Feeling the fear and doing it anyway… What is it that makes some fear a healthy life sustaining experience and yet other fear is...
Honoring Your Treasures
If you could save one object from your home if it became necessary to suddenly evacuate your home, what would you take and why? In the...
Resilience and the Body – We Are Each Born Warriors
Humans, as well as animals, are born with the blueprint of resilience. We are born with a predisposition to survive in order to keep the...
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